Герб на Република България
Electronic services portal
Log into the portal for E-services, available with Qualified Electronic Signature (QES).

This group of services is available to individual persons and legal entities which have Qualified Electronic Signature (QES), issued by a CRC certified provider of electronic qualification services.

What is necessary to do to use the E-services portal with QES?

You must have executed all instructions for installation of QES, specific for the provider of your QES;

Your computer should support the launch of JNLP files (Open Web Start or Java Web Start). Initial installation of Open Web Start, based on open source, can be downloaded from HERE and to read the technical instructions for entering and signing documents within the NRA E-services portal;

Depending on your QES type (whether you use it in a personal capacity), you may be able to directly access the services for one or more obliged persons without having to explicitly request it.

If you need to access services as an authorized person or use a QES that has not been provided to you in a personal capacity, it is necessary to submit an electronic application for authorization, which can be processed with a QES by the sole representative of the obliged person or visit an office of the NRA, where the process can be carried out in the current order.

The rules for the use of NRA electronic administrative services with a QES can be found HERE

Log into the portal for E-services, available with Personal Identification Code (PIC).

This group of services is available to individual persons and legal entities which have personal identification code issued by NRA.

Log into the portal for E-services, available with E-Authentication.

When selecting an entry in the portal with E-Authentication via the "Login" button, you will be redirected to the entry page of the State e-Government Agency https://egov.bg . After successful authentication, you will be redirected back to the NRA's electronic services portal.